Career Education Systems

Due to inclement weather, all classes at our WARD PARKWAY location will be cancelled on Tuesday, February 18th, 2025.

Fingerprinting in Kansas


All applicants for an original real estate salesperson or broker license must complete the Fingerprint Waiver Form and submit to fingerprinting. This includes Kansas salespersons applying for a broker license and persons licensed in another state seeking licensure in Kansas by equivalent requirements met.

Fingerprint Waiver Form

Fingerprinting waiver form may be obtained by going to: . Then click on “REL-150 Fingerprint Instructions & Background Waiver”

Fingerprint Cards

Fingerprint cards may be requested from pre-license course providers (Career Education systems), Kansas Pearson VUE exam centers, or the Kansas Real Estate Commission (KREC) by emailing with your name and mailing address.

The applicant may go to a local police department, county sheriff’s office or the Topeka office of the Kansas Bureau of Investigation to be fingerprinted. An appointment may be necessary and a fee may be required.

Fingerprinting is also conducted at Career Education Systems. Please call for specific dates and times.

Instructions for Completing Fingerprint Cards

Do not fold, staple, bend, tape, highlight, stamp, make extraneous marks, or modify the fingerprint card. Satisfactory fingerprints must be obtained using the services of an authorized entity.

Type or Print all information in BLACK INK. DO NOT SIGN the fingerprint card until your signature can be witnessed by the official taking your fingerprints.


The completed Fingerprint Waiver Form, Fingerprint Card and $60, payable to KREC by credit card, cashier’s check or money order, must be submitted directly to KREC. The KREC will then submit the fingerprints to the KBI and FBI to determine whether a criminal history exists. The process generally takes 10 business days unless the fingerprints are rejected. A background check request may be made before or after completing the education and examination.

Mail to:

Kansas Real Estate Commission

Jayhawk Tower

700 SW Jackson St, Suite 404

Topeka, KS 66603-3785

© Career Education Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.